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Key Benefactor

Key Benefactor


Field Level Suite for two (2) guests at the 51st Annual Bayou Classic

One (1) VIP table of ten (10) with name recognition at Kicks Ball Event

Twenty-five (25) Pre-Game VIP Reception tickets at the 51st Annual Bayou Classic

Five (5) VIP Reception tickets at Kicks Ball Event

Two (2) reserved seats to the Battle of the Bands at the Caesars Superdome

Bunker Level Suite with game tickets for four (4) guests at the 51st Annual Bayou Classic 


Onstage recognition during the Kicks Ball program

Opportunity to provide branded item for event bag

Logo in related materials (website, signage, digital media)

Logo feature on rotating screen during Kicks Ball Event

Regular price $25,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25,000.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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